[After recently revealing plans to remove tattoos from his face, Atlanta rapper Soulja Boy Tell Em has explained the motivation behind erasing the ink.
Crediting his move into Hollywood as partial motivation, Soulja Boy said he ultimately had no use for the tats.
"Um, I mean, yeah man it's just like me just reflecting back and looking at it like even when I got them when I first seen the myself in the mirror, it was a little crazy. It was for various reasons, not just one. I took it upon myself. Nobody made me do it. I felt like I didn't need them on my face anymore." (VIBE)
Despite the tattoos removal, Soulja Boy said he holds no regrets.
"I don't regret it. I'm not mad at myself for having it. I just look at it like, that was a point in my life where I was growing up. It was in the moment when I got it. Now I think differently. I feel like I don't really need it on my face. I have a lot of stuff to do." (VIBE)
In early August, Soulja Boy revealed plans to take off his face tats.
"just woke in new york its a good day bless everybody reading this tweet live it up. i'm getting my face tattoos removed today," he tweeted August 4th. (Soulja Boy's Twitter)]
story provided by SOHH.com
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